7 Best Free Online Coding Courses For Computer Programming 2023

Khubaib Khan

 If you are looking for the best free online coding courses to study computer programming in the year 2023, then you're at the right place. I have compiled a list of 7 best-rated online coding courses (if i missed your favorite course, please leave a comment and i will update this list).


Edx offers both free and paid courses via their platform. There are over 100 courses available, with new ones being added every month! All of these courses are from top universities like Harvard, MIT, and UC Berkeley.

Edx was founded in 2012 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the need to bring higher education to everyone has been their focus since then. They have over 1 million students enrolled in their courses at this time.

There is an important thing to note about edx though- it is not limited to only computer science majors. Many different degree programs can be found here including business, creative writing, mathematics, and more.

These courses range anywhere from several weeks up to few months long and are always updated to stay relevant. Because they are online, you do not have to worry about where there will be a classroom or space to learn.

Another great feature of edx is that most courses are graded automatically using software which analyses the material given and determines a grade. This avoids having to find someone to review your work and grade it yourself.


11 Best Free Online Coding Courses for Computer Programming 2023

One of the most well-known online education providers is Coursera. They offer a variety of courses from various universities around the world, all free to attend. Many of these courses are designed to be self-taught or low-level introductory courses that can help develop your knowledge of computer programming.

Coursera offers many different course types such as lectures only, assignments only, both, or neither. Some courses even have interactive exercises where you are given questions and answers in real time. This is very helpful because it gives you more hands-on practice.

They also have an easy interface make it simple to find and follow along with lessons and tutorials. There are several ways to access and view courses too; you can either browse by category or search directly using their advanced search tool.


11 Best Free Online Coding Courses for Computer Programming 2023

With over 200,000 students across 50+ countries, you have a choice of how to study computer programming from the very beginning- through beginner levels up to advanced. They even offer a scholarship program that can get you started with no cost!

Udemy is another great source for learning new skills. You can pick any course as expensive or free just like Udacity, and they both are excellent resources. Both have their pros and cons, but overall they are good sites for training.

Their advantage over other sites is that they keep track of your student account so you do not need to create an account to learn more. This makes it easier to quickly begin studying without creating accounts first.

Both sites also give you direct messages and updates about courses which help inspire people to continue teaching classes and helping others learn.


With over 80 million students, you’re guaranteed to find what you are looking for at Udemy. The platform is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals through learning and education. Many people have successed using their services as a way to learn new skills or refresh old ones.

Udemy offers many different courses across various platforms like iOS, web, business, software engineering, and more. You can also choose between paid courses or free courses depending on how much student funding each course has received.

By being able to access and view all of the content from a mobile device or computer, it becomes very accessible to anyone anywhere. All users get quality material that has been vetted by the community!

There is an amazing amount of resources available on the site including forums, chat rooms, and blogs. Students can contribute and talk about lessons they have completed or problems they were having in the past week. It is a vibrant community full of knowledge.

Overall, with this article we hoped convinced you that starting off with one of our list of best online coding schools is a great place to begin.

Free Code Camp

11 Best Free Online Coding Courses for Computer Programming 2023

FreeCodeCamp is one of the most well-known free coding courses out there that has gained popularity due to its creative approach to learning programming. What makes this course unique is that it does not use traditional computer science concepts like syntax or algorithms, instead focusing on creating engaging lessons that are built using games and applications.

By adding features such as creating your own app or making your own game, students will be inspired to learn more about programming. The site also offers both beginner and advanced classes depending on your skill level so you can pick which one fits you best.

There is no grade given here, only an appreciation letter at the end that says how inspiring the experience was for them as individuals and professionals. This gives students a sense of self-worth that other programs may lack and helps ease any worries about poor performance in the classroom.


11 Best Free Online Coding Courses for Computer Programming 2023

OpenCourseWare is an excellent way to learn computer programming. There are many free online courses available via this platform. Most come with interactive assignments, questions, and comments from other students. Some even have instructors create new lessons or re-enforces old ones.

There are several websites that offer free educational resources. Many of them focus on education courses and materials in fields such as business, medicine, science, and more.

But what about coding? You can find all sorts of courses ranging from beginner level through advanced. They’re typically very well put together and organized which helps promote engagement and understanding.

OpenStudy has some incredible opportunities just for studying how to code! By creating your own account you get 2 years access to their extensive library of courses. The only requirement is that you must be able to download and run Eclipse (which most people already can). Students also receive digital certificates upon completion.


11 Best Free Online Coding Courses for Computer Programming 2023

If you are already familiar with computers, then starting to code is something that has been on your list of things to do for some time now. Codepath, an organization dedicated to teaching people how to code, offers both beginner level courses as well as more advanced ones!

At CodePath, they offer three levels of learning paths: Basic, Professional, and Developer. The first two have introductory level coding courses such as HTML, Javascript, and Python while the third one goes into much deeper detail about different programming languages like Java or PHP.

There is also a very popular free course at CodePath called “Learn Swift” which teaches users the basics of creating iOS apps using the most up-to-date version of Apple’s software development platform. This includes topics such as variables, functions, controls, layouts, and so on. Once this is completed, students can move onto professional level courses that go even further in depth.

The Odin Project

Woman Coding on Computer

Photo by ThisIsEngineering on Pexels

The Odin Project is an excellent way to start coding! The project teaches you HTML, Javascript, Python, PHP, and Java. All of these are very popular programming languages that almost anyone can pick up quickly.

The Odin Project was designed for absolute beginners who have no experience with computers. They begin by teaching you the basics of web technology such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before moving onto more advanced software like Python and Java.

This approach is great because it gives students a strong foundation in computer science concepts while also helping them learn new programs. Students will be able to choose which courses they want to take from here!

There is a free version and paid version of the course. Like most things related to learning how to code, the paid versions offer better quality materials and additional features. However, this isn’t necessary unless you really wanted some extra perks.

Does Google have free coding courses?

11 Best Free Online Coding Courses for Computer Programming 2023

If you're looking to learn how to code, then yes, definitely check out their online platform. They offer several different courses that range in complexity depending on your experience level. Some are very beginner-friendly while others can be more advanced.

Their General Course is pretty straightforward — it covers the basics of what people typically refer to as computer programming. This includes things such as creating programs using Microsoft Windows or Linux, basic HTML markup, and SQL (the lingo used to interact with databases). There are also two other courses available: Android Application Development and Web Development With React, Vue, and Angular.


The best way to learn computer programming is via coding courses. There are many free online education resources that can help you do this. Some offer basic concepts while others advance your skills more quickly.

There are several reasons why these sites are worth trying out. You get access to all of their materials, including videos and tutorials, as well as forums and chat rooms where you can ask questions.

Furthermore, some of these sites have giveaways or rewards programs that reward you for spending time there. If you’re looking to hone in on one area, this could be helpful in giving you that push needed to move onto the next lesson.

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